Tuesday, June 5, 2012

eSchool News-“Why more schools aren’t teaching web literacy-and how they can start”

eSchool News-“Why more schools aren’t teaching web literacy-and how they can start”
            This article, “Why more schools aren’t teaching web literacy-and how they can start,” from eSchool News, proved to be very interesting to read.  This article introduced to me the different views and reasons regarding how most school systems choose not to bring about much experience in learning the ways of the web for children.  This immediately got me interested because I know full well how important it is in society today to learn about the many advancements of technology.  It not only can offer people a much better resource for good research, but also it is the way the world is now working.  The world is going in a whole new direction with all this new technological advancements including: internet, etc.  I feel that everyone, even younger children, need to be aware because it is happening in their generational times.  This also means that even older teachers need to stay informed and ready because it will not only be changing for these generations, but for theirs as well, especially when it comes to introducing them in their own classrooms.  After reading this article, I can see how many of the school systems have wanted to keep their children safe from the internet, but they just need to keep it at a reasonable extent.  This is simply because it is inevitable.  At some point, now starting at earlier ages, computers are too important because many schools are now requiring much more of an extent of research from elementary to high school aged children and anything else having to do with a computer such as the following: papers, power points, projects, etc.  This will only help them better themselves if they can understand this certain technology, but not take advantage of it.  Earlier in the article, some researchers mention that sites like facebook, email, and twitter are at people’s own personal interest to get involved with and is really not mandatory.  Research also shows that it betters peoples’ ways and ideas in school because it gives them a way to keep up with important events and keep in touch with other people.  Overall, the internet may not always sound like a very good idea for young children in the school systems, but it cannot be overlooked.  I feel that, from what I learned in the article, as long as school systems take a step by step process with web literacy, they can begin it at an early age.  But in doing so, this needs to be in a reasonable manner as years of a child go on.  This will enable the minds of young people to have a broader view of life, to be more prepared, and have right direction for their future.

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