Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Activity"

Reading this article, "The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Activity" has open my eyes to what blogging really has done for Martin Weller and also could do for me.  I have always seen myself as more of a YouTube and emailing type person for networking, but I may very well change that habit in the near future to blogging.  Blogging is something that is very new to me in my life.  My life of networking has always been simple, but as I grow through college and hopefully become a teacher in the near future, I feel that I should take this talent to heart; this will help create new networking for myself and my students in schools. I hope to take up this habit because it seemed to really be a success for Martin Weller, and could definitley be the turning point in my life for a better and more successful way of networking.

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