Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

This is such a sad subject to read about but it speaks the truth. So many children and young adults in today's society are being the victims of cyberbullying and cyberthreats. Reading through this article made me remember a friend back in high school that was apparently bullied over the internet. It is very sad to think that he took his life because of what he believed from others about himself. I feel that children and young adults need to be more open to there parents and teachers always. How do we as teachers do this? We simply establish this groundwork from the beginning of knowing the child. This will always allow the child to trust us, feel comfortable around us, and know we are people to look up to for help and guidence. The boy from my high school did not ever feel that sense of care and love from his close friends or family. His parents worked all the time and never really had time to be with their son. His friends were friends of comic, never took him seriously, and just always joked. We as teachers can prevent this from happening to future teens and their situations. This boy never was close to his teachers, because none ever seemed open to help him. We as teachers need to not make this mistake, never turn a child in need away and never turn a child away that doesn't look like they need help, because chances are all children need a little help. Establish trust in the beginning with the students and then they will be protected and felt loved.

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