Monday, July 23, 2012


1.  Introduction Video
   The first assignment of this course was the introduction video. This was an assignment that I thought was not only interesting, but also quite fun. The video introduction assignment was very new and exciting for me individually, because I had never made my own video about who I am and what my educational goals are. I feel that this assignment connects well with NETS of standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity (C.). This standard presents a good amount of student reflection and usage of collaborative tools, such as, the computer video to engage students' virtual and creative thinking. This standard certainly goes hand in hand with this assignment, because in this assignment it not only puts a student into a virtual digital way of thinking, but also teaches them how to inspire and be creative with their personality through usage of these tools and not just through paper. This assignment gave myself the chance to reflect on my own goals and introduce those goals to others in a much better way than I ever thought I could. I feel that I can definitely incorporate this type of teaching in my own classroom. By using this assignment, like my teacher before me, I can get to know my students better from the beginning. This assignment will help my students reflect well on their own personal goals and as a teacher this will help me better understand who my students are. I certainly enjoyed this assignment. It was a great experience being able to learn something new and especially something like this that can be fun, creative, bring out one's personality, and that can be applied to my future teaching as a very important teaching tool in the classroom.

2. Concept Map
     The second assignment of this course was creating a concept map. This was a very interesting assignment because it taught me how to think more outside the box. It taught me how to come up with better ways of introducing topics to my peers and future students. Learning how to use a concept map will definitely help me as a teacher break down material for my students to have a much better understanding of what I am teaching them. This assignment goes well with NETS of standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments (D.). In this standard it teaches how to bring about content in a easier and well thought out manner, such as, the usage of the concept map. Learning how to use this tool, like the standard states, will provide students with ways to use a step-by-step process method, in this type of technology, to help meet their needs to understand the content of a topic in a much more successful way. This technological tool also helps teachers provide a variety of ways to assess students in their knowledge of the material. I will most definitely be using this tool for my classroom in the future, because it is a great way to break down information to all types of learners. I really enjoyed being a part of this project and learning more about how to use this assignment in the classroom. It helps me think much more outside the box with creative and fun ideas for setting up material for my future students to learn from.

3. Movie
     The third assignment was my favorite of this course. The third assignment gave me the best view of how to make a digitally creative tool to teach and learn from. This was somewhat similar to our introduction video assignment, but with this assignment it required much more creativity digital tools. This was also great fun because like the introduction video it can show personality but not through a physical sense but instead through the viewing of digital enhancements of pictures. This assignment goes with NETS of standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning (C.). This standard talks about using different skills of communicating to students and bringing about new ways, in digital forms, to better teach students material. This type of tool is pleasing to the eye, and is a fun way for students to learn about new things. I want to use this in my future classroom, because it is something that not only is very fun to watch but it keeps students' attention. It is colorful, bright, and full of life. Since it is a moving screen tool, students minds will want them to continue watching and learning because it is like a story, everyone wants to see the ending. I really enjoyed making this film. I showed my family and all that I love. It was something that all my peers loved doing, because it was enjoyable and educational. This is a tool I cannot wait to apply to my classroom for my students.

4. Voki
     The fourth assignment that our class had was creating a voki. This was also very fun and interesting to create and learn from. I feel that this assignment falls under, from the NETS, of standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility (B.). It is a tool that concurs with this standard because both show an understanding of reaching out to other cultures, diverse needs, and providing interesting strategies to all learners. This in and of itself is a remarkable digital tool that can help any learner. The reason for this, is because when one creates a voki, it gives it any language they want it to speak, it also is given fun voices for students to listen to, and fun ways to make it look the way they want it to look; to adapt to their certain culture. I would love to use this tool in my future classroom because I know this is a tool that all students will love. It can be changed and used in many different ways to make listening while learning material fun. I had so much fun doing this assignment, because everyone of my peers wanted to listen to each others voki. It showed all of our different personalities, different types of cultures, and way of life. This was unbelievably interesting and fun to listen and watch. I just know this will attract my future students to want to learn and listen to material in fun and diverse ways.

5. Web Page
     The fifth assignment that my class focused a good bit on was creating our web page. This assignment was very helpful and intriguing because this is a tool all teachers will definitely need to carry with them throughout their entire career of teaching. Creating a web page allows teachers to better inform students and parents to be aware of what their child's school year will consist of. This demonstrates many technological tools to help people like parents to have a mapped out idea of ways to help prepare their children for school such as a calender, materials for school, and information on courses. This also is a keeps items very organized, which is very helpful to teachers. This assignment connects to NETS of standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership (D.). They both go well together because they prove effectiveness in teaching in a professional way; showing leadership and quality work. This is certainly a tool I will always use in my future career in teaching. I will use this tool for organization and helpful ways for my students' parents to prepare their children for schools. This will also be a great tool for organizing through a calender, events and functions for the class, such as when field trips are. I thought this project was very thought provoking and helpful. I am so very glad we were able to learn other ways to reach students.

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