Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hi! My name is Colleen Reilly.  I am a dual licensure major for special education and elementary education at the University of Southern Mississippi.  I plan on graduating in December of 2013.  I am excited about my future career, because I love working with young children.  Ever since I was young, I have loved babysitting typical children of all ages.  As I grew older, beginning in high school, I started to develop a love for special education.  I started volunteering each summer of high school as a counselor at a camp called Camp Smile.  This four week camp was given for children and adults with special needs each summer.  After those amazing experiences I had working with those people, I knew then that I wanted to continue this in my life and pursue a degree in special education.  I want to focus more on special education once I graduate.  I feel that there is a need for more good special education teachers.  I truly believe that this is my calling in life, because I am my happiest when I am working with special needs children.